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Everything posted by Bronxteck

  1. replace or remove the theme. also if your booting mountain lion or above it will not boot arch=32 if you have a reference to arch in your org.chameleon.Boot.plist in E/E remove it.
  2. there are also adapters that use CF media. but large capacity ones get pricey. they use em in ipods to replace spinning drives. then there are also ssd which can also get pricey.
  3. have you tried a dvi to vga adapter?
  4. check if it works at all in another os.
  5. well it has 2 strikes against it one it is an amd core machine. 2 it has radeon graphics. so you will have many issues in your future.
  6. the pictures above is a chameleon issue. my hack chameleon needs updating. it affects 32 bit arch booting. it would boot with arch=x86_64. which should be ok if you where just trying to install. the issue was corrected in chameleon 2248.
  7. update your chameleon to latest. or boot with arch=x86_64 to bypass the error.
  8. the issue was chameleon. the my hack one needs an update so that it can boot nvramefi in 32 bit mode.
  9. try dart=0 boot flag
  10. remove as much as possible if you can disconnect it. also the plastic stickers like where the wifi cards and ram are they will shrivel up and melt. as for the blue pad copper shims will do. i just butchered a piece off of some other laptop heatsink. then trimmed it to fit you have to watch out for not touching other components or the top cover. i think about a 1" square fit's but dont quote me on that one it's been over a year i had to redo my mobo.
  11. did you add it's prefpane and try adjusting the trackpad?
  12. have you tested the ALPS trackpad being developed on the forum? what are you using for audio? if voodoohda edit the info.plist. inside it there are options to fix many issues. shutdown can be a kernel cache issue look in Console app and see if it's failing cache generation. also i think there is a reset fix option string for Org.Chame
  13. can optimus be shut off in bios or can a video card be chosen?
  14. you can try this then http://www.pendrivelinux.com/yumi-multiboot (chameleon, stolen and rebranded)-usb-creator/
  15. try repairing disk permissions apple updates break them. validate the disk while your there too
  16. you need to find out what exactly your graphics are or replace with a known working graphics card
  17. replace graphics card with something that works for osx.
  18. if you have a raid mode try setting the bios to that. in certain bios's that is ahci mode. you can also thry ahcidisk=1 debug=8 if still a no go then you need an ioata kext that supports your sata controller.
  19. try booting to the myhack installer usb and installing from the utilities menu. If you get an efinvram error at boot after that, install chameleon rev 2248 to the hdd
  20. sounds like a permissions issue or cache issue then a fake smc issue. did you run a myfix full?
  21. well how are you installing also what bootloader are you using that does not respond to flags? you really never got around to even mentioning an os. so i guess we need a bit more info from you.
  22. need to replace your chameleon boot file with 2248. your trying to boot into arch=i386.
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