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Jake Lo

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Everything posted by Jake Lo

  1. See here for bootpack. You can find a Clover guide in the internet or search for E6400 guide here with our search option.
  2. No, it must be replaced with a supported card or USB device.
  3. Try this config file. I have tested it on an E6430. If you are going to do a rebuild, make sure to use the USB port on the left or the ESATA/USB combo. Since you already have the system running, you could just install Clover on top. config.plist.zip
  4. What's your system specs? ?Does it have an Nvidia card, if not, it's not going to run well with the Intel card.
  5. nelight, what's the display resolution? 1366x768 or 1600x900? Does it only have HD 4000 or Nvidia NVS5200m as well? Which OS X are you installing? 10.10.3?
  6. Here you go. I have include a dummyHDA and use patch on the fly with clover. You'll need to restore the vanilla AppleHDA. Kexts in SLE folder should be installed to /System/Library/Extensions. Serial in config has been removed, so generate a new one on your own. Clover.zip
  7. It should switch to headphone when you plug in the headset. Try putting system to sleep with headphone plugged in and then wake up the system.
  8. Use this Config and install this to S/L/E config.plist.zip
  9. You must've be missing something in your Installer. Do you have at least FakeSMC.kext in EFI/Clover/Kexts/10/10 or other?
  10. That guide is a bit outdated. Download Clover Configurator. It's also available in HVT tool in the guide. Open the config.plist with Clover Configurator. On the left side, select Kernel and Kext Patches. On the middle, put a check to "Asus AICPUPM". Click on File and Save.
  11. You have to be more specific. HD4400 or Nvidia? System lagging? No QE/CI?
  12. What graphics card are you having issue with?
  13. There's no MBA 7.2 SMBIOS in Clover, Chameleon or Champlist so far. You'll just have to look for it from a real Mac. As for gfx locking, it seems to run well after 3 or 4 hard reboots. But there's report the El Capitan seems to have resolve this issue. I have install it but unable to get QE/CI on it. Can only boot without Intel injection. The patch to bypass assertion for 10.10.3 no longer works on 10.11 as well.
  14. Got it running with Clover. Did an OS upgrade from Yosemite 10.10.3 Full QE/CI HDMI Video and Audio Internal Speaker/Headphone SD Carder reader DVD Player Not working: Lost Webcam - USB 3.0 issue
  15. Sleep works fine for me with the above updates. Have not been messing with it for the time being until I get the wireless card install. Most things are working, only need HDMI working as the last thing.
  16. Try enabling "HDA Enabler" in Chameleon Wizard. If you installed it to SLE, don't include it in /Extra/Extensions.
  17. Do you have the exact specs as OP? Only have HD4000, no other graphics card? What OS X are you installing? The bootpack posted was for Mavericks, it can be tweak for Yosemite.
  18. You can't update your Installer with a combo update. Download a full Installer 10.9.5 or Yosemite 10.10.3 if you want that from Apple. Use that to create a new Installer.
  19. Could be an issue with your original 10.9 installer. Create a new Installer with 10.9.5 and install over your current build. Data and Apps should be retained.
  20. If you encounter "Can't find /System/Library/Kernel/Kernel" and your Yosemite Installed Drive shows as RAID, do the following: Boot with the USB installer, open up terminal and enter the following command: diskutil cs list you see something like below. Note the UUID in red and Revertible = Yes run diskutil cs revert UUID> , you can copy and paste the UUID reboot when finish. Boot with USB and select your Installed drive to complete your install
  21. At the bottom of Hervé's guide, he mentioned to replace SSDT if you have different CPU...so don't use the included SSDT from his guide. " Other E6420 laptops fitted with same graphics hardware config (GPU + Screen) but different CPU will require a different and suitable SSDT table than provided in the above pack (can be looked up on the web or created with SSDT generator tool -> See RampageDev's blog for detailed guide)."
  22. Try removing the SSDT.aml. If that still fails, install NullCPUPowerManagement.kext.
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