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Everything posted by Bronxteck

  1. try having diskutility repair the EFI partition by selecting the main drive and do a repair after that retry installing clover to EFI of the drive.
  2. you can boot any dsdt you want by using the boot flag DSDT=WhateverName.aml it will look in root of drive and in /Extra folders. if you want to boot with no DSDT you can use the flag DSDT=null... the naming is case sensitive.
  3. your boot plist does not show frame buffer injection.
  4. when you made the reinstall pen did you chose MBR patch? if you did retry with out the patch. also do not remove any of the file is says to remove. and try again.
  5. it should be at the top right of the page in About. also you could just make a second partition using diskutlity and install lion there. at lest then you have a second os to boot to incase the $h1t hits the fan
  6. imessage is currently having issues with authentication on apples side. also make sure that you generate a new serial number in smbios relevant to the smbios machine identifier you chose (ie MacBookProx,x) you can use chameleon wizard app. also make sure to have nvram.dylib module in /Extra/Modules the app can also help with that.
  7. x3100 is not natively supported in ML.... lion is the last official os to support it in 32bit arch.
  8. there is another thread with this topic here https://osxlatitude.com/index.php?/topic/7201-maverics-on-asus-x550ld-xx082d-x/?hl=%2Basus+%2Bx550ld
  9. make sure the wifi switch is on also boot without caches to see if the kext just needs a reload into kernelcache.
  10. if you care to test you can use diskutility to partition then clone your existing setup then update that one to Yosemite for testing. so in essence dual boot your existing machine.
  11. what are the specs for that machine? all i keep finding is an AMD core version. if so thats probably the issue. apple power management is intended for Intel cpu. you can try adding nullcpu to see if the temps change.
  12. sometimes things get overlooked or patched incorrectly when your removing things from a bios you have no source code for. it is not as simple as just deleting a file.
  13. are you running null cpu? it looks like you need to tune your power manegment.
  14. boot with the flag -v and post a picture of the error screen.
  15. did you disable the geforce using dsdt edit as suggested in that link you provided.
  16. no. it must be the whitelisted bios.
  17. that is probably one of the Fakesmc plugins like lpc one maybe. you can remove it to test. regenerate your caches after with myfix or whatever was used to install fakesmc
  18. well we could use a bit more info... like how is it affecting your machine. what exactly is happening... stuff like that .
  19. did you check to see if what you corrected in your dsdt is also applied to the edp DSDT?
  20. have you tried the chameleon flags for HDMI audio. check with chameleon wizard app
  21. You can try generating one with this https://github.com/Piker-Alpha/ssdtPRGen.sh
  22. well there is the possibility it is using eDP display connector instead of LVDS. also some cpus do not have LVDS output like this one http://ark.intel.com/products/76616/ it only outputs graphics to eDP/DP/HDMI
  23. what driver is windows or linux using for it? it might mention who makes the hardware.
  24. can you try sleeping the machine fully then waking it at that point.
  25. the firmware is volatile. it needs to be uploaded at every boot.
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