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Everything posted by Bronxteck

  1. Virtualsmc.efi driver is only needed for filevault. for normal booting all you need is virtualsmc.kext in clover/kext/other folder. if you are not using fakesmc.kext.
  2. smchelper is only needed if you use fakesmc kext. virtualsmc does not need it.
  3. @Nancy10 you might have removed the Microsoft folder in your EFI volume while testing EFI folders. if you have your old one just copy the Microsoft folder back to your current EFI volume.
  4. make sure they are both on the same wifi.
  5. your PM961 NVMe drive is known to have compatibility issues with osx. if you have access to another brand maybe try with that. or at least check if the SSD is running it's latest firmware. sometimes having windows installed during OSX installation can cause issues with Mojave. you can try pulling the nvme during install and install to an external drive. if it installs then you clone the install back to the nvme after reinstalling it. catmater what SSD are you using in your setup?
  6. did you try the basic steps like check if the switch on the machine is off or if it is disabled in bios?
  7. it is possible but you would have to have voodoohda do a iopcimatch to the device id that you want voodoohda to hook to. it can be configured inside the voodoohda.plist. you would have to change IOPCIClassMatch to IOPCIMatch then put the device id you want to hook to. so replace 0x04020000&0xfffe0000 with whichever device Id your HDMI is which you can probably get from DPCIManager app. so applehda will take one device and voodoohda will take over the other. but I do not know if whatevergreen.kext will interfere if you are using it. also you would not be using the applehda disabler as that would kill applealc. and voodoohda does not work with all HDMI. maybe the scenario is reversed and voodoohda is feeding the speakers not the HDMI but since he is running both I guess he has to look at what kext is loading what device. then adjust accordingly.
  8. if you are using voodoohda then you should be able to adjust the info.plist inside voodoohda. I think it is half volume fix and mic fix. the mic one might be enabled. since it is too loud and maybe need it enabled for speakers if too low. for applehda I guess you might have to try a different layout id the is compatible with your audio device.
  9. he probably means for you to try layout id 12 for the audio.
  10. you need to have hfsplus.efi and apfsdriverloader.efi for mojave in clover drivers. if you are using osxaptiofix replace it for aptiofixdrive.
  11. do you have trim enabled on the drive? if you do it might not like that. and as it states it is corrupted. try booting with -s flag and run fsck on it.
  12. Hi and Welcome. see if this is what you need http://macintoshgarden.org/apps/mac-osx-mac-os-10-ppc or are you looking to refresh those?
  13. retry doing it using the recovery partition disk utility or the installer one.
  14. you can try making a generic clover boot stick. put the usually needed kexts in clover other. you can try adding lilu, whatevergreen, virtualsmc and some sort of keyboard/trackpad driver compatible with your machines hardware. you can leave smbios section of clover config empty so that it can detect a close match to your hardware for you.
  15. latest versions of clover have dropped legacy support.
  16. here is the info about it https://wikidevi.com/wiki/Broadcom_BCM94350ZAE
  17. I tried a Asus GT640 on a Precision 9710 and it said metal supported so i lucked out on a GK model 640. only issue I had was that I believe the 9710 needs an UEFI flashed rom video card as I had no graphics at all until it was in OS. the factory NVS 310 gave me GUI interface because of UEFI bios but it is not metal supported.
  18. you can search our forum archives there where many projects here regarding fan control. but they would probably need updating for the current round of OS's.
  19. was it the same CPU or did they change the model I ask incase IGPU is different.
  20. looks like its making a folder. so do you have a new boot entry that you have to choose to finish installing? you can hit F3 at clover prompt to see if you have any hidden entries.
  21. the intel i5 7400 uses HD630 graphics. have you tried adding latest lilu and whatevergreen kexts to your clover/ kexts/ other folder
  22. you can try updating your bios to latest 1.11.1 also maybe use aptiomemoryfix.efi instead of OSXAPTIOFixDRv. on my 7050 i use lilu and weg to support my IGPU on mojave and igp is connected via HDMI but mine has HD520 graphics as opposed to your HD530
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