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Everything posted by Bronxteck

  1. maybe this app can help you https://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/335018-release-intel-fb-patcher-v133/?tab=comments#comment-2628025
  2. check to see if it disappeared from your usb list if so you might need a new usb limit patch for 10.13.6
  3. Hi and welcome to OSXL you can try LILU kext and its plugin AppleALC kext and test with layout 12, 18, or 28 put them in clover kexts other folder. you have to have a stock non modified applehda kext in S/L/E and remove any audio kexts you might be testing. rebuild your caches if you do modify or remove kexts in S/L/E or L/E
  4. back up your EFI folder just in case.worst case you drop it back in.
  5. I had an issue where I had to format my APFS volume back to HFS to install then the installer reconverted it to APFS if not I could not install. so maybe that's what you have going on.
  6. dark screen might be either your NVRAM is not functioning properly or it needs to be cleared.
  7. actually looking closer into your log it might be the osx installer itself that might be corrupted. delete all instances of it and empty the trashcan then redownload a fresh installer.
  8. boot in -s mode and run /sbin/fsck -fy if it finds errors rerun it till the output is clean. if not you will have to check to see why your disk needs repairing.
  9. I only compiled Dr. Hurts last source code he had posted on the forum.
  10. boot clover with verbose + debug 0x100 mode so you can read whats going on.
  11. you probably need to add clover HFSplus driver and APFS driver
  12. you can get rid of OEM folder and drivers64 folder since you are booting uefi. also have you transferred the files in the LE folder to Library/Extensions folder. you will need to repair permissions and rebuild caches.
  13. remove OSXoptiofixdrive.efi from your Drivers64UEFI folder it will conflict with aptiomemoryfix.efi
  14. have you tried manually switching the audio back manually? or sleeping the machine? not all layout id's are set to auto jack sensing. if that's the case you can try different layout id's for your device
  15. also remove emuvariable if you have it because it will generate nvram.plist so do the RC scripts so uncheck that as well.
  16. if you have working nvram you might need to clear your nvram.
  17. look at it in clover configurator app. if you see a checkmark in the disabled box then its disabled.
  18. IntelGraphicsDVMTFixup has been integrated into whatevergreen lilu plugin with a bunch of other plugins
  19. sure it has. I have done it like I said you need a current iSO 64 bit os or maybe your usb has issues booting try another one. here are some details https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/manufacture/desktop/boot-to-uefi-mode-or-legacy-bios-mode
  20. they should be in the 2 links I provided above.
  21. tried getting a clean iso directly from Microsoft ? https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windows7 I just use the windows 10 Microsoft installer and have it create the usb for me. I have also been able to activate my windows 7 key on windows 10.
  22. you probably need to install latest lilu kext and what evergreen kext https://github.com/acidanthera/Lilu https://github.com/acidanthera/WhateverGreen you can put them in your clover kexts other folder. if you have older versions please remove them make sure to set your clover config file to inject kexts YES
  23. jake knows the required DSDT patches. i try my best not to use them i rather try using clover config first. my reasoning is that sometimes bios updates break your patches. or you find out that apple changed the game again and what you previously had in dsdt now breaks boot. i also try to keep my kexts in clover other folder because then it works in installer and recovery environments. plus os updates do not conflict and if they do it is as simple as dropping that kext from clover GUI. i am old and like to simplify my life.
  24. that is what they swear the process is (boot usb will load from boot usb ). i have argued with some devs about it. but in real world i have had issues where clover will boot from usb but then pulls clover folder files from efi instead when GUI loads. at this point i think you really should just consider a complete clean reinstall and follow the correct way to dual boot as in partitioning the drive into 2 partitions in osx both hfs then install OSX and clover. boot windows installer in UEFI if your iso is too old then find a recent one that will boot in UEFI installer mode when booting F12. in the windows installer advanced menu delete the second partition you made and have windows install to it. once done it will probably boot directly to windows instead of clover so you need to go into bios and set your boot selection/device path to clover and set it as first boot device. it should dual boot after that using clover. if you then get a million entries at clover GUI then in clover config you can hide the volumes like recovery, preboot, legacy
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