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  1. Does anyone have an efi that I can use for my dell latitude 7490, I have tried creating my own ssdts but they always end up in a kernel panic. Thanks! This is for monterey by the way
  2. Hey all, thanks in advance for your effort, I installed Olarila High Sierra 10.13.6 on My Laptop Dell Latitude E6420 using this EFI file EFI file Installation done successfully, but no drivers working, audio and WiFi also, i can't boot from High Sierra automatically, i booting via USB and choose boot from High Sierra My Laptop Specs shown in the attached images. Please help me to solve this issue. Thanks
  3. Hi everyone, I've created an Big Sur installer like described here I've used the EFI folder from that download. The computer installs. Then I copy the EFI from the Installer USB to the EFI part of the MacHD. After restart I tries to boot from Mac HD. Then it restarts and I get an error screen (see attachment). Can anyone help me to get this HackBook running? Thanks!
  4. Hello everyone. For reasons other than that, I had to reinstall mojave 10.14 on my latitude 7480. Most devices work, except the audio, I was checking and it must be from ACL256 ID> 21, that worked before reinstalling. I would like to know the steps to upgrade to Catalina or why not, to Big Sur, but I don't know how. Otherwise I stay with Mojave, hoping to have your help to activate the audio. I would like to know if I can update from olarila Catalina or big sur or should I do it from Apple? Where can I get the necessary and updated steps for my 7480? Thank you
  5. Hi brothers))) I have an issue with installation of Mojave to this laptop... i've used bootpack from this thread .. I did't find anything related to this problem sorry.. but i can't even boot into installer... i'm stucking on apfs_module_start... and then on "still working for root device" with circle on the screen... i've used -igfxvesa but still without success... because my installer partition in pen drive is in HFS+ format i've removed VboxHFS from disabled drivers in config.plist... Please help folks)) thanks for any response) attaching photos and EFI folder) and yeah all those manipulations i've done in Windows 10... there's no working Macs right now EFI.zip
  6. Hello sorry english is not good I have a Dell Latitude 5430 laptop, I successfully installed the big sur, but it doesn't work on any USB ports. What do I need to do to work? there is next to it a clover mojave system attached to the efi folder EFI.zip ssdt hackintool .zip
  7. Hello, and need support In clover i have all work in catalina 10.15.4 фтв clover , but interesting try to use OpenCore. Now i made config, work all, but touchpad not. (TPD1 , DLL07A0) cant understand, how to use ACPI patch for it Cant understand , how to convert clover parameter TgtBridge to Open Core. Here my EFI (OC) EFI.zip Here old work config (Clover) https://osxlatitude.com/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=24833
  8. I'm following Hervé's clover pack #2 as it comes but when i try to boot after verbose logs i just got a black screen, the keyboard's blacklight is turned on but doesn't show anything nor installer EDIT: I can fix it using -igfxvesa but just before finish installation the kernel panics, and got in boot loops (cause kernel keeps failing and panicking)
  9. Hello everyone.. trying to get some help here. Usually when something brakes on the hackingtosh i am able to identify whats broken by the kernel panic error. This time around i Cant really see whats going on. I finally got around to updating my e6420 running Sierra to the 005 security update. But then the machine will just give me +++++++ and not even start the boot up process. After doing some digging i figured I needed to add AptioMemoryFix-64.efi to my efi clover folder. I did this by mounting my efi through terminal using my install USB. Now the boot up process starts but it halts somewhere along the process. I am attaching a picture of the screen before the machine shutsdown and see if anyone can point me in the right direction. Thanks in advance for any help given. --- Clover version 4114 ----
  10. Success upgrade to catalina 10.15 Work almost all: CPU scaling Video with HDMI output 2560 x 1440 Sound speaker stereo Headphones sound in jack Mic (Siri also work) Touchpad with some two fingers gesture Full level backlight Wifi and bluetooth (wifi card replace with dw1560 - BCM94352Z) Ethernet card USB ports Sleep Touchscreen Not working fingerprint sensor (no kext support yet) cardreader (no kext support yet) NFC (no kext support yet) Glitch Slow wakeup from sleep mode (about 30-40 sec), and no reason why. Kaspersky for mac! Don't forget after install or upgrade to Catalina 10.15 to copy files from Copy2LE folder to /L/E and change permission / rebuild cache sudo cp -r Copy2LE/* /L*/E*/ sudo chmod -Rf 755 /L*/E* sudo chown -Rf 0:0 /L*/E* sudo kextcache -i / And of course don't forget completely turn off hibernate for a quick wakeup after lid open. sudo pmset hibernatemode 0 sudo rm -f /var/vm/sleepimage sudo pmset hibernatefile /dev/null History release v2: Fix for bluetooth v3 Watevergreen kext update to version 1.3.3 V4 Many kext updated to latest Some kext moving to LE Clover update to latest version 5097 Fully fix for some KP while boot (VoodooGPIO reason). 7480-catalina-catmat_v3.zip 7480_2019_10_20_catmat_v4.zip
  11. Success upgrade to catalina 10.15.2 Based on "catmater" post My system configuration CPU Core i5-6300u Intel Graphics 530 SSD Intel M.2 512G Touchpad + Trackpoint Work almost all: CPU scaling Video with HDMI output 1920 x 1080 Sound speaker stereo Headphones sound in jack Mic (Siri also work) Touchpad with some two fingers gesture + Trackpoint Full level backlight Wifi and bluetooth (wifi card replace with dw1560 - BCM94352Z) Ethernet card USB ports Sleep Not working cardreader (no kext support yet) NTFS-3G it makes OS hang and not response (no panic) need to power it off. (Use Mounty for R/W NTFS) Don't forget after install or upgrade to Catalina 10.15 to copy files from Copy2LE folder to /L/E and change permission / rebuild cache sudo cp -r Copy2LE/* /L*/E*/ sudo chmod -Rf 755 /L*/E* sudo chown -Rf 0:0 /L*/E* sudo kextcache -i / And of course don't forget completely turn off hibernate for a quick wakeup after lid open. sudo pmset hibernatemode 0 sudo rm -f /var/vm/sleepimage sudo pmset hibernatefile /dev/null My EFI Clover also has kext for Mojave supported. Just change the kext/other-mojave to kext/other and using config-Mojave.plist 7480-Catalina-2019-12.zip
  12. I am very new to the Hackintosh world and I greatly appreciate any advice. I was able to get my keyboard working on my Dell Latitude 7480 by installing the VoodooPS2Controller.kext. However, for the life of me I cannot get my trackpad to work. Any suggestions or things other Latitude 7480 users have done? Thank you a million!
  13. This thread is about an issue of the HDMI output on a latitude 7490. It first began in this thread. As @Hervé said, it is "like covered with a veil and can't be removed even when playing with display colour settings." @Jake Lo asked me for the debug files when the motor is connected. Here it is.debug_30752.zip
  14. Hi Friends, I have spare Dell latitude 7280 and I am trying to install mojave. I was able to half install to the point where it copies all files from USB to harddrive and then I have to continue install from harddrive. Then it is giving me KP and I am unable to find logs to check. I used Clover flag to stop rebooting if KP, but still I am unable to recognize error. So, If anyone has successfully installed Mojave with this version, then please share your settings for clover or EFI files. Note: I am planing to replace my intel wifi card with another one which is compatible with OSX. Thanks,
  15. So I was trying to follow the guide provided on these forums, however, I hit a snag when trying to download the Bootpack for my laptop. Every thing I have read states to just use the file for the Dell E7440, however, when I follow the guide here and try to download the file for my processor model it says the attachment is unavailable. I found another EFI folder, but can't get the sound working so I was hoping someone here might be able to help me track down the correct Bootpack. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  16. Hello people, i am totaly new to this website and for years i have been trying different to dual boot or simply have macOS on my Dell Latitude E5450. If there is anyone out there who can help me, please response. Thank you very mcuh!
  17. Hi everybody. I just updated my Latitude E7440 I7 Full HD from 10.14.4 to 10.14.5. I use this forum bootpack and with BIOS option "Legacy Boot" enabled, MAC OS MOJAVE 10.14.4 worked fine with built in LCD screen and also with a Phillip 1080p monitor conected by HDMI. After upgrading to 10.14.5, with Legacy boot enabled in BIOS, laptop freezes (black screen at the end of boot) when HDMI screen is connected (built in screen works fine, but with some troubles with, for instance, Ableton Live SUite, which makes graphic noise in some windows). If I change BIOS legacy boot from enabled to disabled, HDMI monitor works fine (closing the laptop), but built in screen does not. May be should I upgrade some kext? Many thanks for your attention. Entropic.
  18. [SUCCESS] DELL LATITUDE E5440 macOS Mojave 10.14 (Updated) Download: - - > > "DELL"_"CLO"EFI"_"Kemal"ALKIN".zip" < < - -
  19. @Jake Lo , I have followed your guide for the e7450 before. This particular one has the following specs: Intel Core i5-5300U Intel HD 5500 Graphics DW1830 WiFi/Bluetooth Card 8GB DDR3 RAM I can't seem to get my wifi to work. I have searched dozens of previous posts and can't find anything. I am experiencing ping's of up to 14000 (tested in terminal), and when wifi does work it is is at most .5 mbps. This isn't just after sleep, but all the time. Bluetooth, however, is working perfectly. I have attached problem reporting files. These Kext's are installed to EFI/Clover/kexts/other: ACPIBatteryManager AirportBrcmFixup AppleAHCIPort AppleALC AppleBacklightFixup ApplePS2Controller FakePCIID_Broadcom_WiFi FakePCIID FakeSMC IntelMausiEthernet Lilu USBPorts-Exx50 WhateverGreen then a thing called WhateverName The following kexts are installed to L/E: ASC6x ArcMSR ATTOCelerityFC8 ATTOExpressSASHBA2 ATTOExpressSASRAID2 BrcmFirmwareRepo BrcmPatchRAM2 CalDigitHDProDrv DisableTurboBoostBattery FakePCIID_Broadcom_WiFI FakePCIID HighPointIOP HighPointRR PromiseSTEX SoftRAID Also, the battery life doesn't seem very long and I have a 40wh battery and the laptop is also running a bit hot, however, my main concern is one the WiFi right now. debug_25858.zip
  20. Dell Latitude e7240 with i7-4600U, 16GB RAM, 512GB Samsung 860 EVO, Dell DW1550 WiFi/BT card. Followed all the guides as best I can to install macOS 10.4.3 (including supplement) and most all is good. I have the kexts installed (I believe per the guide) to EFI/CLOVER/kexts/Other (except for CodecCommander.kext and DisableTurboBoostBattery_2.3.kext which were copied to /Library/Extensions). The trackpad works, but nearly all the time, the Trackpad Pref Pane indicates "No trackpad found." One question I have after reading more, I'm wondering if some/most/all of the kexts should be moved to /Library/Extensions? This guide indicates "Copy FakeSMC and only critical kext's needed to run the MacOS Installer, Updater or Recovery to EFI/Clover/kexts/Other" - which ones are considered critical for Installer/Updater/Recovery? To enable my new WiFi/BT card (Dell DW1550), I need some additional kexts (AirportBrcmFixup.kext, BrcmPatchRAM2.kext, BrcmFirmwareRepo.kext) ... these should go to /Library/Extensions, correct? I'm also not sure yet if the battery indicator is correct. Is the fix for that part of the guide (and thus would already be in place if I did it correctly) or is there something additional I need to do? Thanks in advance for any help/guidance.
  21. Hi, I've used the installation guide here: http://www.osxlatitude.com/edp/documentation/on my latitude d420 however once it boots and starts the loading process it hangs on the grey apply screen with OSX LATITUDE logo on. Trying with OS X Lion. I also could not find a bootpack for a d420 so tried with a d620. If anyone could help with this installation that would be great thank you.
  22. Hello all, this is my first post and am hoping one of you geniuses can help me out. I have a Dell Latitude E5430 with the following specs: Intel Core i5 3210 M (Ivy Bridge, 2.5 Ghz) Intel HD Graphics 4000 8 GB Ram When looking through the clover bootpacks, I found the bootpacks for similar models but not the E5430. Has anyone successfully compiled a bootpack for this model? Could I use a similar model? Version of MacOs doesn''t matter, however Sierra would be nice. Thanks a ton!!
  23. Hello, I retry the installation of OSX on my Latitude E5450. This model has: · CPU Type Mobile DualCore Intel Core i7-5600U, 2600 MHz · Motherboard Chipset Intel Wildcat Point-LP, Intel Broadwell · RAM: DDR3-1600 DDR3 SDRAM · VIDEO Intel HD Graphics 5500 · Audio Adapter Realtek ALC293 @ Intel Wildcat Point-LP PCH - High DefinitionAudio Controller [F-0] · Network Adapter WLAN Dell Wireless 1707 802.11b/g/n (2.4GHZ) · Network Adapter LAN Intel(R) Ethernet Connection (3) I218-LM · BIOS Properties: Version A11 I already tried before using a tutorial for an I5 version and it did not work. Could you help me solve the problem? I add as attachment the result of the config report of my computer Thank you for your help! Best regardsDELL_LATITUDE_E5450_I7_Hardware_Report_TXT_EN_OK.rar
  24. Hello, i'm kinda newbie to the hackintosh world, and today I was wondering if I can turn my dell latitude E6420 into hackintosh, so after viewing some instructional videos on how to install the hackintosh, after installing it and everything was alright I tried to use the Wifi and the integrated mouse "touch pad" so they didn't work and I actually don't know what is the reason for that, but I saw this forum seeking for help! Thanks for your time and sorry for my bad English..
  25. Hello. I prepared my installer according to the guide, but when I go to boot to the installer, it shows the Apple logo for maybe 1/2 a second. Does anybody know what could fix this? I am trying to install macOS Sierra
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